Engineering training

The stage of engineering preparation for construction production, carried out by Avtokran-Tyumen, plays a crucial role in the construction of facilities and includes a large range of activities that precede the beginning of the main work at the construction site.

Engineering preparation includes several components:

  • organizational preparatory measures carried out before the start of work;
  • off-site preparatory work;
  • on-site preparatory work.

Organizational Preparatory Activities

During this period, issues on the use of existing transport and engineering communications for construction needs are being resolved.

  • Available construction materials and equipment are laid down in the budget, and supplies of everything necessary are organized, according to the budget.
  • Transport and logistics issues are being resolved, including the expansion of production capacity for construction.
  • Subcontractors specializing in the provision of certain types of work are involved.
  • If necessary, non-standard construction and installation equipment is manufactured, for example, formwork, traverses, cranes.
  • A management structure is being formed and work is being carried out to deploy construction within the time limits set by the project.

Off-site preparatory work

At this stage, the set of measures includes:

  • Creation of external access roads to the construction site: haul roads, moorings, railway tracks.
  • Construction of power lines, heat and water supply channels, sewerage.
  • Construction of residential and public buildings to accommodate workers, engineering and technical personnel.

On-site preparatory work

This stage of work includes:

  • Creation of geodetic basis for construction.
  • Engineering preparation of the territory for the construction of temporary structures.
  • Installation and commissioning of mechanized facilities.
  • Construction of a general storage facility and other facilities used for construction needs.

Preliminary engineering work aimed at preparing the construction site plays a huge role in minimizing the construction time, quality improvement and efficiency of construction and installation works and reducing the final cost of the project.

Therefore, it is advisable to entrust engineering training to companies that already have extensive experience and responsibly approach the fulfillment of their obligations. Avtokran-Tyumen LLC occupies a leading position in this field of activity and will ensure the success of your project.

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